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Favorite Movie Growing Up

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 5:19 am
by LeaveItIN
This is the dude they got to play Hercules. James Brown wasn’t available??? They need to do more claymation shit like this you know?? Did he just call them titans I guess that could be a titan. Just waiting around until someone stole your shit. Just think how strong people were back then constantly lifting shit. People were this much strong back then but since then we have had to use our minds more. My 5th grade teacher told this whole story in class one day and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world, I remember kind of on how I pictured it too. the movie was pretty close. The funny thing is some gay people watch wrestling I bet the percentage is like 20%. I think I remember hearing about the bitch slap. Why is the hydra guarding the fleece what does it have to gain. Oh yeah I completely fogot abou the skeletons, it gets them from the hydras teeth.