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Always a Battle

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 12:32 am
by LeaveItIN
Oh I forgot he is in space. Oh shit she died. They are all dying what, maybe he is the only one that makes it out, that is awesome, the kuleshev effect at it’s finest. 11-25-37-98. 11-25-37-9-8 3978. 11-25-39-7-8. oh he was saying going.
Planet of the apes is vietname, the humans are the Chinese and we are the apes 3978. right. We left liberty on the beach, hello. That is good that is how you make sci fi ma man, you take something on no and you put a nutso spin on it. Oh dude the apes standing over the bodies, like Americans. He was in a “rocket”. An airplane crash landed. Taken prisoner. In homes made above ground that look like they are underground. Dude this make up is so awesome from back then it looks realy . that I sthe thing, you actually do it you have someone be a giant gorilla, make that into a british 6 episdoes series they climb up the tower. Battling things. Or maybe they were stupposed to be hunters. I never attached it. oh he is blue he is cold. Is it all a dream.