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Successful Comedies with Big Plot Holes

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 4:32 am
by QueeferSutherland
Watched Meet the Parents and Wedding Crashers over the weekend. Both movies were huge hits in their respective releases, both I enjoyed. Both also seemed to struggle in the 3rd act and having odd plot holes. On the topic of plot holes, what constitutes a plot hole? Some people say it is when a character is written a certain way but does something else, others if the movie doesn't explain why something happened. In this case I'm considering it problems with the actual story, like it is poorly developed, not well thought out and doesn't make sense in its own context. They become even more glaring in comedies because they don't add to the joke of the movie, or they are just simply used to get to one joke from the next no matter how much they take away from the story.

Meet the Parents
The impromptu wedding between jacks daughter and Bob. They get married in 2 weeks, they've been together for a few months. Seems really fast for a doctor at least, they never mention a pregnancy but that has to be it. We don't see the sister much in the movie. Greg and Pam have been together 10 months and he hasn't talked to the parents at all. Jack doesn't have a running toilet fixed. Jack dumps out an entire bottle of tom collins mix just to have an excuse to go to the store. Why couldn't Jack at least tell his wife that they were planning the honey moon.

Wedding Crashers
Why did the whole family just leave their daughters wedding right in the middle of it.
The Secretary of State of the US has 2 strangers live in his house for the night that weren't invited to the wedding.

Dodgeball had some plot holes. The money is even called deux ex machina. Any others from those or other movies?

Re: Successful Comedies with Big Plot Holes

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:56 am
by FeministLikes2SuckD
I don't come from this country, but is the honeymoon normal in Meet the Parents? We're I'm from, we generally plan this event months in advance. Only plausible is that he was once in the CIA and misses it, so it he comes up with these stupid plots to try and live the life again. Really no excuse for him not telling someone, I would hate to be the bride and your dad tells me where I'm going for the honeymoon.

Re: Successful Comedies with Big Plot Holes

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 6:55 pm
by QueeferSutherland
As far as any of the marriages I've seen, no it's not normal. I could see telling them he was paying for a honeymoon and to be prepared to leave, but I don't think they had anything planned and to be told you're going to Thailand in 2 days would make a lot of messes. At the very least, there are probably vaccinations they would need to get before. Jack got their passports too, not sure on the legality of that even with CIA connections.

Watched There's something about Mary a few times this weekend too (another ben stiller one) there seems to be a lot of holes in there too.
Mary an Orthopedic Surgeon has no idea Tucker is faking it.
Mary not caring about Ted being taken to the hospital.
Chiropractor friend never mentions seeing Mary, did they talk about Ted at the Convention?
Patrick Healy orders a whiskey sour but the bartender brings a beer.

Re: Successful Comedies with Big Plot Holes

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 3:15 pm
by TheWetDreamTeam
It's definitely used to comedic effect so I would say if it doesn't make the movie funnier it's definitely a plot hole. One instance I can think of is in Vacation. Clark is seconds away from cheating on his wife in the swimming pool, his wife and the entire hotel catch him and momements later she doesn't care at all what he was doing. Even though no sane person would do this, it makes the movie funnier.