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This Movie

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 5:55 am
by LeaveItIN
Your Jurassic 3 it is an hour and a half tops that is good thing about it you know. that was your original plan, Did I put it in right.

The dvd didn’t even start playing right away, that’s a good sign. I remember I pressured my girlfriend hardcore to buy me the trilogy for Christmas. This was a joke movie look at that DVD menu. This is a failed video game. Just get right into it. Lets see what hot universal movies were around in 2002. they were still touting the mummy? Why not mummy 2 at the time josie and the pussy cats. I wish I could go back to like November 17, 2001. there is a lesson in it. Movies have no more lessons anymore. It is all goal and accomplishment. Movies today that do have great lessons are the great one, it’s not just about having a great story, it’s about having a great lesson. Oh my fucking god that was the opening to the movie. Restricted. This is site B. how come they don’t remind us it is site B. yeah great hiding spot you retard. It was all the military. Genetically engineer a monster to take on the opposition. Yeah perfect hiding now. That is so gay. In the beginning part. It will take two times to sort through this probably. You need to take pictures. It doesn’t make any sense what happened on the boat. Was it the military sniping them out. What’s this holy shit grant had a kid yep there is laura dern she has another grant, damn dude. Wait who is Tom. Oh no holy shit that is the dad. Nope I guess they broke up for some reason. But apparently he still hangs out a lot. That is pretty cool. He is working on raptors. Oh they were social, they could talk no shit. We saw that in the first one. Yeah they are smart we get it. Obviously not that smart because they don’t kill grant in the end. Oh she is still in love with them, my wife walked her former boyfriend out to the car at night and now she is leaning over the window cool. That husband should take her down. When will it rest in people that these are genetically engeineered monsters. You have all these Goofs. I bet she looks weird naked. Boom high five on Jurassic park. I guess he says it in the movie that they are genetically engineered monsters. They are I bet at least 2 percent toad or frog or probably any variety of lizard they could find. I thought you had some ideas for JP IV. The military wanted them to die. That kid should have been dead. Johnston didn’t have the balls. He could have taken it places spielberg never dreamed. Sweet a chick that can’t tell the difference between rock and bone is out on a dig. Wonder how she got that gig. This might be the gayest movie ever made, literally this whole relationship with billy is a little deeper than advertised I think, or maybe just as advertised I can never tell. That looks like a sex toy. That was really gay. Jurassic Park III is the gayest movie ever made, and you’ll see what I mean. Tea leoni is dressed and looks like a man the whole time. They are having a rocky marriage. It is a fake show they put on. They have to get permission to fly low. Why is this not suspsicious mr. phd. Lets pay you thousands of dollars to fly over it with them, fuck that. Just meeting him would be enough he could write the story. Oh just a few moments before no force on earth would get him back there. I guess Grant can just be bought off like all the other shucksters. He wants to get raped by a raptor. Grant does. Or he did. Grant got raped by a raptor in the first one, they are smart they don’t have to eat all the time, sometimes they just wanted to rape things. And it had switched to a male. Okay yep using music from the first one again, did the second one even use music from the first one. My god I’d forgotten? Oh yeah I’d forgotten that time that dinosaurs almost killed me. Grant starts going off about the dinosaurs. Shut the fuck up grant it’s obvious you’ve been kidnapped. Oh yeah they needed more obstacles the island isn’t more thatn 10 acres probably. Or wait what. 220 acres or so. think bigger. Oh great work guys. So now there are 2 of them. Oh yeah my arm the big dinosaur just nibbed my arm. There would have to be 2 of them, 1 a plane fucking hits it. When a car hits a cow, it definitely causes damage to both, that one that attacked the plane didn’t. why is the radio gone? It is a small box inside there cabin. This is a cartoon. Tea leoni should be dead. Everyone should have died a horrible death in it. Everyone should have died, everyone that knew they went. That should have killed or injured seriously someone. But nope it didn’t everyone can walk and talk normally still. No concussions that’s reality. Yep someone should be at least hemoraging or having a broken bone at least. Ok they can out run it yep. This is horrible looking. I’m not scared at all , great sound effect. Shut up grant. Ok the Trex had by the neck. That should be dead. Everything should be dead in Jurassic Park III. Yeah the government is shutting you out no fuck, they quartained. Okay that is a pretty serious wound on her head. The government probably did stay and setup camp. Yes grant said it you probably won’t get off this island alive, everyone should fucking die. Nope they are walking through a jungle full of dinosaurs dead dead dead dead. No setting up camp and shit. Hammond fucking said all the animals are in the interior. Right. Where are they right now, interior. Oh he is also on the dig, he saw the dinosaur first hand and he can’t remember what a baryonyx and long nose one he did. You could teach that stuff to a 6th grader. Grant get more fucking pissed kill that guy. They should be fighting more. They fight in survivor or lost if someone uses some water to wash their feet. These people kidnapped and sent you back to dinosaur island with no chance at any payment. I guess living in the suburbs prepares you for Vietnam with dinosaurs for over 2 weeks, collecting piss right. Was he trained by the vietkong, throwing smoke bombs and shit. They should be fighting more. Not gathered around now now keep moving? Nope lets gather around this loud video recorder and stand still so if something was (and should) be following us they would be able to kill us. So apparently there are no dinosaurs? She suffers this but then she is better. This happens to everyone by the end. Oh they are in the area around a raptor nest for a good 20 minutes. Yelling and shouting and nothing happens. Raptors are geniuses there should be hundreds of them there would be at least 20 guards. Like ants. You know. of course the raptors wouldn’t have any guards there are 60 eggs there do you think there are not at least 300 raptors? Hammond said they were breeding and flourishing 4 years ago. And that was 4 after the whole other fiasco. Yeah what the hell. Nope it’s dead great setup she should be going crazy at this point, that could be part of it. Yep he is limping he should have a problem with his leg. Nope I guess some of the raptors decide to hide in this tiny enclosed space instead of protecting their eggs or gathering food. That is a weird looking thing, I don’t remember shit like that in the first one, all the failed experiments actually that is kind of cool. Lets see more of that it is like alien resurrection type stuff. One of them should die here. Oh yeah is figuring it out that he can climb up, what an ingenious move by an animal this is where it goes south. So far it has been pretty decent. But all 6 of them got a way from a raptor. Oh yeah then they survive a dinosaur stamped. Just walking around with raptors now. Only 2 apparently. There were how many in the second one? They seemed to be building a thriving raptor society. But in this the one the most there are are like 2 or 4 at a time. This is how it should have been all the time. Resort back to primates in the trees for most of the time. However didn’t get up there would die makes sense. The scream they heard was far away. But he is by their tree. no they didn’t. you could say that to any animal. I’m pretty sure chimps do a better job than this. Smarter than primates? Some dogs are smarter than primates. That’s a little more like it 12:42. nope apparently there were only 3 raptors attacking this invading group of animals that just stole some eggs. And he leaves the door wide open. I’m on dinosaur island and I’m just realizing that you are allen grant. Is the door still open I think so, and they are just eating a unique smelling food. No we as an audience do want to know how a small white kid was able to collect piss from a T-Rex, was it from a puddle, that’d at least be an explanation. Something one how this kid was able to get this just wandering around stalking a T-Rex. Nope the door was open and thy are just attracting compys after 3 hours. They should be getting harassed by a T-Rex, since the kid smells like piss. Then that guy is shouting again ad just a heard of stupid ankylosaur they were just trying to go for more dinosaurs than any other one. There was no context to 70% of the dinosaurs they show in this movie. There is a huge heard of dinosaurs that hang out by raptor nests? I’m going to need these binoculars here that I never use. Again ( see if he does) lets not send a could raptors to guard and hang around a tree where there is a succulent looking animal hanging around there. They use the binoculars. Now it’s just the 3 of them grant should be dead, kid should be dead. I don’t like how they ended up with these 3, tea Leonia should have been the first one to die. Then it’s grant and a bunch of mercenaries. Kirby ends up lasting fairly long by luck mostly then. He dies though. Then it’s grant that billy kid and 2 mercenaries. Yeah grant just let a kid go running don’t say stop, and he is shouting again. No one dies the rest of the way. According to the DVD there are 37 minutes and 33 seconds, no one has died for awhile though. No one dies after that last mercenary. So if you go to dinosaur island you have a 60 % chance of surviving. I won’t count the dad since he never technically touched the ground. That is a lot better than the huge team of mercenaries that went and almost all of them were killed by raptors. I knew it. Oh you called it dad. Why does he have a satellite phone that the kid knows about? He whispers run and everyone does have like Kirby trip they get separated how about. This doesn’t make any sense lets show this thing break through a wall, then have it get stopped by this metal door that grant and bill manage to close with this thing charging. He denounces billy for stealing raptor eggs. That cut should be getting infected something should be happening. And some of the best things too grant. They are smart enough to know you have the eggs but not enough to send scouts to hang out where they are and you are trapped up a tree. but that doesn’t happen the rest of the way with dinosaurs they should be dropping all the time, how did all these dinosaurs survive in a cage apparently? Where are they getting all this food, i don’t see any large fish to sustain this bunch of dinosaurs. And I hate this kid so much because he was the asshole in the sixth sense I want him to die. So grant didn’t even reach the end and he keeps walking lets separate now by choice grant decides. That smells like terodactyl poop. This is when William someone should have died another mercenary. Kids shoulders should be ripped apart by now or his arms ripped off. Does anyone care to know how a human recently got there. Or are they suggesting it was them that got out of their cages and attacked the boaters, but not the people parasailing??? He should be bleeding profusely. Apparently the food that find in this cavern is enough to sustain these giant flying animals that probably need to eat 3x their body weight a day in fish to sustain themselves. This is when billy should have died. It’s just grant and macy. He just watches billy die. And he is the one that sacrifices William H. Macy to the raptors so grant can survive. Apparently these things that probably try to eat fish can’t dive to grab something in shallow water. The naked truth, just shoot me, these are on par with the are you there Chelsea, whitney, big bang theory. No one has really been to space. Gravity is infinite right? Oh great a bunch of dinosaurs with the music, just like the first one. No context at all. It was cool in the first time, because he was seeing it for the first and we were in that movie. We’ve already seen a ton, okay how about that thing eat something. Horses will bite people. Why are they all digging, they couldn’t hear it. We won’t get any kind of weird bacteria. From doing this either. Oh cool it is something bigger than a raptor that leaves them alone. That is it. So this kid can see fish in rainy water, nice effect too. why is it dark there by sunny there, they are almost in the same time zone, just a few hours off, and no one is fatigued. Where are the mom, he is just hanging out in the kitchen by himself. That kid should be dead, everyone should be dead. Yeah just let your 3 year old hang out in there oh I get it they are probably fighting because of grant, there is much left out of this movie. Why is there a big steal cage on a boat. Maybe that’s how they transport the teradactyls in to the cage. They were just under water now there is a top to it. And Kirby got out? No no look at all that blood she should be dead she should be dead. Yes a flaire gun that has been under water. Will fire and shoot perfectly enough for someone who rarely shoots guns. That chick in that ocean liner movie died by just falling in the water. I get in movies that people survive miraculous things, but it would have made this movie so much better. You are traversing down a major water way for the general population of the island no raptors. How many are there 4 or 5? 5 fucking raptors is the final showdown. There was like 5 raptors harassing Malcolm in the 2nd one and that was just because they are were chowing down on all the other mercenaries. I will not eat this bleeding injured easy to kill mammal that could sustain was for a couple days. It should pissed them off. They recognize it is the military I think. No they were probably already there you fuckwads, if they just end like this. They all die. You’ve written a decent amount. They should be shot down in a matter of minutes right? How many landed the kid, 3 mercenaries, billy grant, mom dad. So 8 people out of 8 5 survived. That is 62.5% survival rate, the 2nd one had like. 4% if that. Postwaith, goldblum, the kid fuck that still, vince Vaughn, julianne moore. Maybe like 10 people survive out of 60-70 that came. The first one was like that too, only genarro. It is exactly like the first one. You have grant with the kid. The first one only genarro, austrialian, Samuel l Jackson, nedry die right. And there are grant Malcolm, 2 kids, ellie, Hammond, 6 that survive 4 that die 60% that is BS>

I gotta see this making of. Jurassic Park was chaos with one T-Rex, and 3 raptors. This one has a spinosaur and should have had at least 30 raptors. That’s it you’re my first choice. Fuck you joe Johnston, fjcuk you Johnston. He didn’t ask you, you probably bugged him for 6 years. That was his pitch. Listen to his pitch. Did you have a good time. Oh no shit it’s a super predator forgot about that one. That dude is a fucking dirt bag.